This is a pic of my Planet the Sims forum avatar. Look for me! ;)
My PTS downloads continue to be downloaded, some more frequently than others.
I am just grateful to be sharing what I create with other Simmers. I enjoy creating for The Sims and wish I could do more. (Once I get T-Mog down, I'll be able to offer more.)
I now have 68 members at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group in less than 1 month. On Friday, the group will be a month old! I am working on several new creations for my members, and also for Planet the Sims.
I joined a new forum this afternoon: My Sims Forum. There are only a few members, but they have welcomed me and seem nice.
Pay the little forum a visit, if you get a chance and say "hi".
I have been trying to think of ways to help get more regular, devoted members at PTS Forum, where I moderate, too. Some of the others out there have a very active regular membership. I would like to strive for that as well at PTS. I'd love it if you'd pay us a visit there sometime, too.
In the meantime, there are several framed works of art that are following fast behind this list of my top 5 downloads at PTS. I can guarantee this time next week, this list will look somewhat different. Here's the list, as of tonight:
- Coca Cola 1 -- 80 downloads -- Contemporary framed Coca Cola art
- Starry Night -- 66 downloads -- Vincent VanGogh's masterpiece
- Vintage Coca Cola 2 -- 41 downloads -- Vintage Coca Cola framed art
- Retro Pink -- 37 downloads -- Very retro, mod, geometric patterned dress (lt skn)
- Mod Blue --37 downloads -- Plush, decadent blue carpet that has matching wallpaper
Creeping up very quickly behind those five is Henri Matisse's Blue Nude, which is an exclusive at PTS, my Betty Boop framed art (in an awesome circular frame, like Vintage Coca Cola 2), and Tuscany Gold floor tile (part of the Ravenna Italy wall and floor tile set).
I am working on a Picasso, and have just finished three mini-dresses for your young female Sims. They will be offered before the weekend is out at PTS and my SSW Yahoo Group.
Have a great evening, All. Stop by the forums and we'll visit a spell.