Tuesday, May 30, 2006

50 Members Celebration Download Update...

First of all, some neat news. Chris, our site director, at Planet the Sims, has made me a moderator at the PTS Forum. I am pleased and honored to be a part of the team. Come join us at PTS :

In celebration of Sugah Sims World having over 50 members in less than 3 weeks, I have added several new downloads. Above, from Sugah Sims Interiors is "Peaches and Cream" wallpaper and "Peaches and Cream" linoleum floor tile.

Below, you will find a new contemporary painting, "Coca Cola Polar Bears". It is part of Sugah Sims "Coca Cola" Collection.

Two new paintings for your Sims home, "The Dream" by Pablo Picasso and "Earthly Illusion" by Oregon artist, Dana Marie (below):

There are pleny of other free downloads at
Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group. I'd love it if you'd come join us!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

40 Members Celebration Update!

I am pleased to announce that Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group now has 40 members in just over two weeks!

In celebration of this event, I bring to you the new "Betty Boop" collection. Currently, the series has one wallpaper, one designer floor tile, and two Betty Boop framed art for your Sims Betty Boop fans.

I have also added, to the SSW Gallery of Fine Art folder, "Blue Nude" by Susan Guadagno.

I am grateful and appreciative for
SSW 40 members, and will continue to offer new downloads frequently. Stop on by and tell your fellow Simmers about Sugah Sims World new Yahoo Group.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Baby Cheat

As promised, in the description of this blog, I am going to share some of my fave cheats with you.

Many of you, who still play The Sims (like I do), probably already know about this cheat. I've known about it for awhile, but I tried it for the first time just this month.
It works and man, does it save time and trouble!

For those of you who may not know of it:

After a baby is born, make sure everyone has finished getting all ga-ga (clapping) over the baby's birth.
Pause the game, once you are sure no one has a cradle icon in their list of actions.
Go to buy or build and use the "move_objects ON" cheat.
Delete each and every member of the Sims in the household, except the new baby.
Go back to live mode and unpause the game.
*Be careful NOT to bring ANY of the other family members back. At this time, you want them to stay in Sims Never Never Land (or wherever they go when you delete them for awhile).

After a few hours, the "take care of your baby, or we'll send the authorities out on your happy tushy" message will pop up. Don't worry about it. Just click "ok". They won't come.

I speed up the game and just let it run on high speed for 72 hours (from the time of the baby's birth). 72 hours after the baby is born, it will become a child. And your Sims didn't even have to "play, sing, feed" til they felt like dropping from exhaustion!
The downside of this cheat is, they will have only 20 relationship pts with the family members when born, rather than 50. Big woopdy ding poop. It's a fair trade off and takes no time at all to remedy.
He/she might not have as many personality points or interest points as his/her siblings, if you use this cheat, also.
If that bothers you, there are awesome hacks at a couple of sites to increase the interest points and add personality points. I use 'em all the time. They work fast and well!

Oh, and don't forget to bring your other Sims back when the new babe comes along!

Happy Simming!

Updates at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group

At least for today, fellow Simmers, Yahoo Groups has its photo section up and running again. Let's hope it remains up!

I have updated the photo section (where you will find photos of all new and previously added downloads).

I have added two new paintings and my new "Beach Baby" summer collection.

From SSW Fine Gallery of Art, you will find Thomas Kinkade's "Home is Where the Heart is II" (FYI ~ Mia is wearing "Crazy Frog" available at SSW Boutique):

In the Coca Cola Collection folder, you will find "Vintage Coca Cola 3":

The "Beach Baby" collection is three sexy summer ensembles, one for each Sims Ladies skin color:

I should be adding more creations for you all this week. We have 38 members in just a few short weeks. Come join us at
Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group and tell your fellow Simmers. I update often.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

New Downloads Available at Sugah Sims World!

First of all, I would like to offer a warm welcome to our new members.
Thank you for joining
Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group. Since only May 9, we already have 33 members. WOO HOO!

Today, I offer to you, from Sugah Sims Interiors, the "Cabana Boy” wall & floor collection (Wallpaper and carpet pictured here. Set comes with matching floor tile, too.)

You will find Sugah Sim's newest collection available for downloading in the "files" section of our group, in the Sugah Sims Interiors folder. The file contains one wallpaper, two matching floors, and photos of each, so you may preview the collection, before downloading.

There will be more to come soon.

If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to email me or
leave a post at the group. I'd love it if you'd join us, introduce yourselves, and tell your fellow Simmers about Sugah Sims World. Thank you!

Friday, May 19, 2006

New Designer Bathroom Tile.

Submitted for your approval, now available at both Planet the Sims and Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group, is the complete "Ravenna Italian Bathroom Tile" collection.
You can preview a photo of the floor tiles in my
most previous post, here at Sugah Sims World Blog. Or, you can go to SSW Yahoo Group (or Planet the Sims), where photos, along with the files, are available.

In the collection, there are two designer bathroom wall tiles: Tuscany Gold and Sienna Sky, with matching floor tiles, for your discriminating Sims'. They are perfect in the bathroom and look really great in your Sims home.

Above is a photo of Tuscany Gold wall tile with matching floor.

More downloads to come soon.

OH, wonderful news! We are up to 23 members already in just a 2-1/2 weeks! Isn't that awesome? Thank you so much for joining
Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group. I welcome all new members and am grateful to have you aboard.

Happy Simming, Blogdom.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

New designer floor tiles at Planet the Sims.

Brought to you by Sugah Sims Interiors, tonight I bring you two new designer floor tiles. This is no ordinary tile. A lustrous finish brings out the jewel-tone flashes of this designer floor. It is elegance defined. Light plays and refracts on this beautiful bathroom tile, enhancing the beauty of the colors and lightness of details.
Imported from Ravenna, Italy.
The first photo is
Sienna Sky Tile. The second photo is Tuscany Gold Tile.

Currently, these floor tiles are available only at
Planet the Sims. I will soon be adding them to my Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group, along with lovely matching wall tile (this weekend).

Yahoo Groups is still having a problem with the "photos" section, as have tried to access several group's photos, but with no luck. I will keep trying. In the meantime, I will provide a link, as promised, so you can see what you are downloading.

Membership is increasing at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group. I am thinking about having a membership drive and when we reach 50 or 100 members, I will offer a great download package to all who are members of the group.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Few Updates for My Fellow Simmers

First of all, Yahoo Groups seems to be having trouble with their "photos" section. I will continue to post photos of my latest available downloads here, as always, but will also begin including them in either the zip file (if applicable) or I'll provide a link where the file can be seen. I, for one, do not like downloading anything unless I can see it first.
I am soon going to be submitting a few downloads to The Sims Warehouse and The Sims Resource. I have already sent the files to The Sims Warehouse, but the director of the site has been so busy, he has not been able to put them on the site. It should be this weekend, hopefully.
My delay in submitting them to The Sims Resource is a Yahoo Mail problem. There seems to be issues with the file attachment option. I am hoping Yahoo gets the problem worked out with both Groups and Mail. It's crampin' my style! lol

In the meantime, here is a list of the Top 5 most downloaded Sims items I have submitted to Planet the Sims:

  1. Coca Cola 1 (framed art) 62 downloads WOW!
  2. Starry Night (framed art) 45 downloads
  3. Mod Blue (carpet) 29 downloads
  4. Self-Portrait facing Death (framed art) 27 downloads
  5. Caribbean Carnivale (wallpaper) 23 downloads

Three others are right behind: Cherries Jubilee (wallpaper) with 21 downloads, Coca Cola Tile (floor) with 20 downloads and Cat Nap (framed art) also with 20 downloads.

Not bad, considering I submitted my first wallpaper to PTS in April. I know most folks don't go there for The Sims downloads, with there being so many awesome sites, but I remain grateful to have the opportunity to share my creations anywhere I can.

I will post here when there is news about The Sims Warehouse and The Sims Resource, as well as new updates for my members at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group. Wish me luck!

Happy Simming.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New fashions from Sugah Sims Boutiques

The Sugah Sims models are proud to introduce to you "The Evening Garden Collection".

These three lovely designer gowns, are perfect for summer cocktail parties.

Sophia is wearing the Evening Garden gown created exclusively for medium skinned Sims. Imani is modeling the Evening Garden gown created for dark skinned Sims. And Lee Lee is showing off the light skinned version of The Evening Garden Collection.

These gowns are available only at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group.

Happy Simming!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

New downloads available at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group.

Come join us at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group!

From Sugah Sims Boutique, two new summer ensembles for your little Sims girl and a Hooters t-shirt with jeans for your little Sims boy.

From Sugah Sims Interiors, several new walls with matching floors.

From Sugah Sims Fine Gallery of Art, a few new framed paintings.

All have photos available in our "photo" section.

Also, I have recently learned how to make even different types of art decore for your Sims home. Soon, I will be adding those to Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group.

New items will be added for downloading several times a week, so please check back often.
Remember, I am currently taking special requests, so feel free to post a message or email Sugah from the group. I will be happy to oblige, if possible.

Happy Simming!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sugah Sims Yahoo Group NOW OPEN!

Click to join SugahSimsWorld

Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group brings to you free downloads for The Sims.

From Sugah Sims Boutique, you will find fashions for all members of your Sims family.

At Sugah Sims Gallery of Fine Art, you will be able to download framed art for your Sims home. From a Classic Masterpiece to Art Noveau, you will find it there.

And Sugah Sims Interiors brings to you both walls and floors to create most any chosen theme for your Sims humble abode.

I will add new creations frequently. So, please come back often and be considerate of your fellow Simmers while visiting Sugah Sims World. Spammers and rudeness will not be tolerated. Thank you for your consideration, while there.

*Please note: Everything you download there has been tested. You should have no crashing issues. The files were tested in my game, and using The File Cop and The Skin Doctor. However, there is never any guarantee. Always download with caution.

Monday, May 08, 2006

New Downloads for You at PTS!

The latest trend in home decore is Coca Cola art. This is the second in a series of both new and vintage Coca Cola decore, matching wallpaper and floors. Brought to you by Sugah Sims Interiors (Gallery of Fine Art).

Soon, I am hoping my downloads will be available at The Sims Warehouse. Here is my latest forum post:

You can download my latest addition to the Coca Cola collection (Vintage Coca Cola 1), as of tonight.

Vintage Coca Cola 1:

You will find the first Coca Cola framed art (which is my most popular download to date) at:


The matching wallpaper and floor tile:

Coca Cola wall:

Coca Cola floor tile:

Tomorrow evening, I am hoping I will be able to report that my Coca Cola 1 framed art will have been downloaded 50 times in 10 days. That's definitely a record for me!

Again, if you have any special requests, please feel free to stop by the PTS forum and post what wall, floor or framed art you would like. I would be happy to do my best to create a custom item for you. Post your desired wall, floor or framed art them at: http://www.forumplanet.com/planetthesims/

Happy Simming, Blogdom!

Friday, May 05, 2006

My Coca Cola framed art is doing well.

People continue to download some of my creations at Planet the Sims.
It's not a place a lot of folks think to go for downloading, so it doesn't get as much exposure as say, The Sims Resource. But I am happy to be sharing some of what I have created for my Sims.

One thing I am surprised about...the fashions I recently submitted are not being downloaded much. I am proud of them. They turned out really well, and look great on! (See "From Sugah Sims Boutique" blog post of May 2, below.)
Maybe folks aren't looking for Sims skins there. (The framed art seems to be my most popular.)

To date, these are the Top Five most downloaded items I have submitted to PTS:

  1. Starry Night (framed art) 32 downloads
  2. Coca Cola 1 (framed art) 29 downloads
  3. Self-Portrait Facing Death (framed art) 23 downloads
  4. Mod Blue (carpet) 21 downloads
  5. Cat Nap (framed art) 17 downloads

I am hoping things pick up this weekend, but as I said, Planet the Sims isn't known for its downloads. I am trying to think of other ways to get the word out about it, but until then, it's still fun sharing, even if with only a precious few!

To those of you who have check out Sugah Sims World and my creations at
PTS, I am grateful and appreciative. Thank you!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've joined another Sims portal.

It appears to be brand new, so I don't know how well it will do.
I considered participating in The Sims Resource's forum and submitting items to their site, but they are so large and very picky about how it is done.
I still may one day...not sure.

The name of The Sims portal I have recently joined is:
The Sims Warehouse.
The Sims Warehouse offers news, downloads, cheats, skins, and discussion forums.
As I said, it is a very new site, perhaps only a couple of months old. The site is SO NEW, in fact, they don't have any Sims 1 content to download yet!
I have offered to submit some of my creations. My offer was accepted, and so now I will learn how Simmer (the moderator/administrator) would like me to do it.
Stay tuned...

The site is not known now, I am sure, but hopefully, it will get more recognition and traffic soon. Pay them a visit and join, won't you?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

From Sugah Sims Boutique ...

I have submitted the first (of what I hope is many to come) fashions at Planet the Sims. I have been using The Sims Creator (which comes with Sims Deluxe) for awhile now to create new outfits, using meshes included in the game. (I have not attempted to create any of my own meshes, only the fashions.)

I am pleased to introduce my three models: Lee Lee, Imani and Sophia. They are wearing the bold and beautiful, mod "Retro Collection" from Sugah Sims Boutique.

Lee Lee is modeling "Retro Pink" (lt skin tone); Imani is modeling "Retro Blue" (dk skin tone); and Sophia is modeling "Retro Green" (med skin tone).

Each of the dresses comes only in the color shown, for that particular skin tone.
Since the site director, Chris, is always on the ball, I would imagine you will be able to download them (free, as always) by tonight at Planet the Sims. Just check in towards the end of the day (if you are in the U.S.).
I hope you enjoy my first contributions to PTS skins downloads. More to come, if they go over well!