Thursday, June 29, 2006

PTS Forum Sets a Record!!!

I think the image speaks for itself! Way to go Planet the Sims Forum Dream Team! We broke an all time record - 6 members and 34 guests on at one time!

For your dedication, loyalty, time and effort, I thank you, Gang. I am glad and proud to be a part of such a successful forum. It would not be possible without our team of devoted, active members.

We rock!!! WOO HOO!!!

Come join us at
Planet the Sims Forum. We'd love to have you.

Getting Adventurous After All These Years!

I promised the awesome PTS Forum Dream Team that I would get more experimental with The Sims. I have always played it like real life, never having my Sims live anything but normal, decent, somewhat average lives. They live, they love, they work, they play, they have children, make friends, eat, drink and are merry.
Well, evidently, I must have missed the boat all these years, as I haven't ever even bought a guinea pig (for fear my Sim would get sick and die). The worst I've ever done is drown some Sims, when they either served their purpose (before the money cheat) or I got disgusted with or tired of them.

Below, is my promise kept to the great gang at Planet the Sims.

Harriet and Wann Doomed (I named them Doomed cause that's what they were from the start, lol) taunting and teasing:

The attack (I've never had this happen in my game before):

Wann grows tired of the fussin' and fightin' and is outta there (This was the 1st time I've ever seen this, too):

I set off a rocket launcher to burn Harriet alive (also a first for me, and a completely wild trip):

And VOILA, Harriet bit the dust. (Rest in Peace, Chicky. You're outta here, too):

I did it! It was weird being so focused on having a couple destroy a marriage, rather than work to be in love and have a great union. I strive to keep my Sims at 100 all the time, not -100! lol

Now I have to create another new Sim and buy him a room full of guinea pigs...

Oh, and you really should join us at Planet the Sims Forum. We have a real active, loyal, enthusiastic, helpful bunch and I am honored to be a part of the team.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Here are Sugah Sims top rated PTS downloads.

Last week's top downloads brought to you by Sugah Sim and available at Planet the Sims are:

  1. Coca Cola 1 (Contemporary Coca Cola framed art) w/ 91 downloads
  2. Starry Night (Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece) w/ 87 downloads
  3. Tuscany Gold Tile (Beautiful, golden bathroom floor tile) w/ 71 downloads
  4. Blue Nude 1 (Henri Matisse's famous work of art) w/ 71 downloads
  5. Vintage Coca Cola (Vintage-style Coca Cola framed art) w/ 55 downloads
  6. Retro Pink (Mod retro-style pink dress for lt skn) w/ 54 downloads

I think it is just a matter of time before Coca Cola 1 and Starry Night hit 100 downloads, Fellow Simmers! That will be such an exciting day for me! WOO HOO!

Chris, the site director at PTS, is trying to get the kinks worked out of the image problem with Tuscany Gold Tile. For some reason that Ravenna Italian Tile collection wants to merge together and gets all messed up when I try to make a change in one of the downloads. SHEESH! I am hoping Chris will have it fixed soon, as Tuscany Gold is one of my most popular, and I want folks to be able to see the proper image when they view it.

Here's the original post:

(If you'd like to see the Ravenna Italian Floor Tile image.)

For any of my PTS downloads, please just click on this link. Thank you, as always, for your support.

Oh, and while you're in the neighborhood, stop by the PTS and visit our forum. Tell the gang, "Sugah Sim sent me!"

Sugah Sims World Group celebrates over 80 members!

As a gift to my group, in celebration of over 80 members in under 2 months, I have several new downloads to offer.

A couple of weeks back, I added 4 Mark Ryden framed paintings. Ryden's work is both intriguing and disturbing. It's perfect for your Goth Sim's homes. You will find all 4 paintings zipped in the "Mark Ryden Collection" folder. (This collection is also available at PTS.)

I also added the "Summer Splash Collection". Three colorful minis for your Sims girls zipped up in their own folder. (There is a different one for each skin tone.)
Below, is an image of the "Summer Splash Collection" for girls, & two of the Mark Ryden paintings (The wall and tile is "Tuscany Gold", from the "Ravenna Italian Bathroom Collection", also available at SSW):

Brand new at SSW in "Sugah Sims Gallery of Fine Art" folder is Picasso's sentimental and melancholy "The Blue Nude" and two sensual & erotic paintings by Gustav Klimt, "Sea Serpents IV" and "The Kiss". Below is an image of The Blue Nude (on the right) and on the left, together, are the Gustav Klimt paintings:

Lastly, I bring to you the "Tuscany Kitchen Collection" which is one bordered wallpaper, matching tile, and three lovely framed art to complete the décore. It is all zipped up in its own folder and ready to dress up your Sim's kitchen! The photo below shows the complete collection (wall, floor, and three paintings):

Click on all of the photos to enlarge.
Images of all of the above downloads are available in the "photos" section of the group, in the appropriate folders.

I am still taking requests if you have a certain color scheme or theme you'd like to see at SSW. Currently, I am working on Picasso's Bullfighter Series, as one of our members requested these prints for her Sims game.

There will be more downloads available soon.

I am grateful for our members and would love it if you'd tell your fellow Simmers about Sugah Sims World. Thank you.

Come join us at Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group:
for free Sims downloads

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Things are rolling right along...

This is a pic of my Planet the Sims forum avatar. Look for me! ;)

My PTS downloads continue to be downloaded, some more frequently than others.
I am just grateful to be sharing what I create with other Simmers. I enjoy creating for The Sims and wish I could do more. (Once I get T-Mog down, I'll be able to offer more.)

I now have 68 members at
Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group in less than 1 month. On Friday, the group will be a month old! I am working on several new creations for my members, and also for Planet the Sims.

I joined a new forum this afternoon:
My Sims Forum. There are only a few members, but they have welcomed me and seem nice.
Pay the little forum a visit, if you get a chance and say "hi".

I have been trying to think of ways to help get more regular, devoted members at
PTS Forum, where I moderate, too. Some of the others out there have a very active regular membership. I would like to strive for that as well at PTS. I'd love it if you'd pay us a visit there sometime, too.

In the meantime, there are several framed works of art that are following fast behind this list of my top 5 downloads at PTS. I can guarantee this time next week, this list will look somewhat different. Here's the list, as of tonight:

  1. Coca Cola 1 -- 80 downloads -- Contemporary framed Coca Cola art
  2. Starry Night -- 66 downloads -- Vincent VanGogh's masterpiece
  3. Vintage Coca Cola 2 -- 41 downloads -- Vintage Coca Cola framed art
  4. Retro Pink -- 37 downloads -- Very retro, mod, geometric patterned dress (lt skn)
  5. Mod Blue --37 downloads -- Plush, decadent blue carpet that has matching wallpaper

Creeping up very quickly behind those five is Henri Matisse's Blue Nude, which is an exclusive at PTS, my Betty Boop framed art (in an awesome circular frame, like Vintage Coca Cola 2), and Tuscany Gold floor tile (part of the Ravenna Italy wall and floor tile set).

I am working on a Picasso, and have just finished three mini-dresses for your young female Sims. They will be offered before the weekend is out at PTS and my SSW Yahoo Group.

Have a great evening, All. Stop by the forums and we'll visit a spell.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Planet the Sims download update.

This past weekend, I created four new Mark Ryden paintings, available for free downloading at PTS.

Mark Ryden's art is at once intriguing & unsettling, baffling & enchanting. They have a rather "Tim Burton" edge, as my fellow PTS Forum moderator, Sam, has said.

You will find the images of all four paintings: Drips (seen here), Fountain, The Baptism of Jajo, and The Cloven Bunny, available (currently) at Planet the Sims in this forum thread (until Blogspot gets the image option rollin' again):

Ryden's work mingles superb technique with outre images to create a world of strange and disturbing beauty.

To download any of these intriguing oil on panels from Sugah Sims Gallery of Fine Art, click on:

They will soon be available at my Yahoo Group, too.

There will be more to come soon, as we are fast approaching 70 members at
Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group. Ten Simmers joined over the weekend. WOO HOO!

Happy downloading!

Friday, June 02, 2006

PTS and Sugah Sims World Update

This is a photo of "A Cotton Candy Day" wall & tile. The Floor Watcher and Little Glutton framed art by Chuck Agro adorn the walls. All are available free at PTS and Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group.

Soon, I hope to be adding some new downloads I create with T-Mog, once I get settled in with it next week. I hope to have 60 members at the Yahoo group by then, and will do something special in celebration.

In the meantime, here is the latest download count, of my most popular creations available at PTS. I have only named the top 5, as of this afternoon:

  1. Coca Cola 1 with 77 downloads
  2. Starry Night with 63 downloads
  3. Vintage Coca Cola 2 with 36 downloads
  4. Mod Blue (carpet) with 33 downloads
  5. Self-Portrait of Death with 31 downloads

Several new downloads are hot on the trail of the above, mainly Henri Matisse's Blue Nude, Coca Cola Polar Bears and the Betty Boop framed art. It won't be long, if those three keep it up, before they start getting near the top of the chart!

I am disappointed that Little Glutton and The Floor Watcher have not been downloaded more, as they are truly fun, colorful, trendy works of art that look great on your Sims walls. I placed several new images at PTS to show how nicely some of my walls and floors go with the framed art. (The one in this post is an example.)

This is our anniversary weekend, so after tonight, I will be away from my laptop for awhile.
Have a great weekend, Fellow Simmers. Remember to visit
Planet the Sims for some of my free downloads. Be sure to join Sugah Sims World Yahoo Group for a more extensive variety. We'd love to have you. Happy Simming!